To keep us focused on what we are as a church we use the following statement…
Our Purpose
To worship and serve God by serving people well, both inside and outside the church.
Our Vision
To be trusted, respected and valued by fellow members, the church and wider community, so that BRBC is a happy, vibrant and growing place.
Our Values
We exist to serve God and people.
We focus on peoples’ needs and seek to meet them appropriately.
Working together:
We care for each other and work best as one team.
We bring the best of ourselves to church and support one another to realise our full potential.
Doing the right things:
We make it our first priority to reach those outside the church.
We study the Bible and preach in a way that is relevant to Christians and non-Christians.
We worship with engagement and devotion.
We pray together regularly.
We maintain good fellowship and harmony.
We exercise judgement prayerfully, with thought and integrity.
We take risk seriously and manage it spiritually.
We maintain a Christ-like attitude.
Our Progress
We will fulfil our ongoing call under God:
To regularly make new disciples.
To see people baptised and come into membership.
To see the church grow in faith and spirituality.
Through the above, to see BRBC as sustainable and growing.