SUNDAY | Morning Worship at 10.30 am (includes Communion 1st Sunday of month) |
‘Happy Tots’ 10.00 am for under school age Children and their Parent/carers, in the Lower Hall. Then Fit ‘n fun starts at 7:00 until 8.30pm gentle exercise for everyone. (Both of these are Term Time only, and not on Bank holidays. In the lower hall.) |
TUESDAY | No 11am Bible study this week or next but 7.00pm Bible study in the lower hall, Arrive 15 mins before for refreshments. All welcome. |
Prayer meeting in Church 11am. Community Space (formerly Warm Space) 12:30 to 3pm in church. Craft Club 6.30pm – 9.00pm in Lower Hall. |
NEXT FILM/EVENT NIGHT ON 15TH NOV, doors open at 6:30pm, Hot dogs, nibbles and snacks, then at 7pm the Film “TBC”. a warm welcome to all, donations to cover costs of snacks. In the lower hall. |